The Theory Of Manifestation The Ancient Indian Wise

The Theory Of Manifestation The Ancient Indian Wise

It is Just One That Becomes So Many, Still Remaining One

An Old Theory of Everything Served Anew: The ancient Theory of Manifestation tells us that God does not create the world, but it itself becomes the world and every single thing into it in a cyclic order. There is just one eternal substance standing on its own, which is self-effulgent and aware, and unbounded by space or time. Rishis, the ancient wise, called it ‘Truth’—the real substance—the ‘unlimited potency to be’. When nothing else exists, eternal awareness still exists in a state of total self-contentment, like a tortoise that has withdrawn its head and limbs into itself.

After a long and refreshing sleep-like state, which may have lasted trillions of years of our human time, a little ‘stir’ or vibration into the Truth wakes it up. A potential was probably building up, and proclivities of the last cycle were trying to sprout again. Rishis call this condition as beginning of ‘expansion’. It heralds the commencement of a new cycle of manifestation.

Waking and sleep-like states in ‘Truth’, called its expansion and contraction by the Rishis, are into its nature, and are two fundamental properties at the back of the manifestation of the cosmos. The vibration felt by Truth, which is Love or God itself, is stirring of its nature, the Spirit. Truth so far had a unitary experience of contentment. Spirit, as it sets in as a vibe or a wave, draws a thin wedge, or the notion of a gap between the knowing and experiencing aspects of Truth, the God—between its head and heart. The sphere of its awareness now has an exterior that knows and an interior which it can know or can feel. A polarization has taken place into what exists eternally. There is a static ‘knower’ and also a dynamic ‘spirit’ with a vibration that can be known by it. The two depend on each other, and are simultaneous, while being a part of the eternity with infinite potential, these represent infinities of two kinds. Of these the first pole gives rise to positive charge and the other acts as its opposite.

Together, they set up a force-field that brings two mutually complementary and yet opposite and counterbalancing powers of God into play. Of these, ‘knower’, the Father or the Male principle, stands for love, attraction, contraction, and the positive into everything; while dynamic Spirit, the Female principle, stands for force, repulsion, expansion, and the other negative attributes. Of these Spirit also represents energy and the immanent aspect of awareness, which can give rise to work—or to a body that can be known.

It is this primary force-field formed by equilibrium state of the two infinite powers, which oppose and complement each other at the same time, from which the world and each of its constituents come to manifest. Of the two, the Spirit behaves like a wave and causes fluctuation in the field. Father, the static principle, contains and balances this wave to restore the equilibrium. This field represents the ‘Internal Nature’ of the ‘Being’, with awareness and experience as its two diverse dimensions.

Anything emerging from this field, to become manifest, must carry these two powers in a state of equilibrium. This equilibrium state, which can become manifest, can be called the ‘Seed’ or the ‘Son’. And, it comes to manifest as a coin with two faces. ‘Father’ or awareness is one face, while ‘Spirit’ or the body of experience becomes manifest as the other side of the manifesting coin, which can be a particle or some other living or non-living thing. The two sides oppose and balance each other at every point, akin to a perpendicular. The necessity of both sides of the Internal Nature to remain present predicts the wave-particle duality observed by the physicists. Precise balancing of one by the other, likewise, predicts the Uncertainty Relation of Werner Heisenberg, and also entanglement.

We, thus, have three principles, or rather Principals, ready to manifest together as the things and entities. We have only discussed the un-manifest realm so far, however.

Each of these three Principals are intelligent and each has a nature distinct from the others. Nature of the ‘Son’ principal is power of ‘Will’, and that of ‘Father’ principal is faculty of ‘Knowledge’, while the nature of ‘Spirit’ is potency for ‘Action’. It is through the agency of these three ‘external natures’ that manifestation takes place. Like their masters, these three too remain together and constitute what is commonly called ‘Nature’ with a capital N by the physicists and the common people. It is these three which appear as Strong force, Gravity and Electro-magnetism on the physical plane, and it is the inevitability of their presence together that gives rise to color index.

Everything in the world exists simultaneously at three planes of vibration. Causal plane is a handiwork of the nature of Will, in which Son takes its place as the ‘self’ or ‘ego’, lending everything with individuality and a survival instinct, besides the need for an Exclusion Principle. Astral plane is built by ‘Knowledge, as the mind side into a thing, and Physical plane is arena of ‘Action’. Son, which represents equilibrium of the two infinite powers, seems to incarnate on the physical plane as Neutron, Father as the Proton and Spirit, being the active component into matter, as electron. The One, to become many, creates a deep Relativity first so that entities can differentiate without losing their essential one-ness. The mind or ‘Knowledge’ side in an electron enables it to differentiate between other particles and to know when its privacy was being infringed upon. Its propensity for ‘Action’ enables it to move towards a proton, away from its own kind, and to collapse the wave function when under duress. When it’s time for the world to say Good Bye, each particle collapses on itself and energy is reabsorbed into awareness.

Full ‘Theory of Manifestation’ as against a ‘Creation’ has been extensively discussed in the book ‘Matter, Life and Spirit Demystified’.

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