Thoughts and Reflections

John’s Gospel – The Spiritual Gospel

In the Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels (only John’s gospel is independent), the New Jerusalem Bible explains, “The gospels are not ‘lives’ or ‘biographies’ of

Jnanganj (‘Gyan-Ganj’) Siddha Ashram

The most talked-about Siddha-ashram in the 20th century is ‘Gyan-Ganj’, which is the subject matter of a book bearing the same name written by Dr

The Author Comes to Meet a Master

The year was 1978, the place Calcutta. The author was looking out to rent a decent flat at a suitable and affordable location. He zeroed

Mahavatar Babaji – The ‘deathless’ Guru

The name of rev. ‘Babaji’ came to the limelight for the first time with the publication of ‘Autobiography of Yogi’, authored by Paramhansa Yogananda—a must-read